Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
-Robert Frost

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Suez- OUT, Africa- IN... Change of Plans

I heard a few weeks back that the biggest virtue that a student can bring to SAS is that of "Flexibility." Let's face it... when you are traveling the world on a floating campus, calling on 11 different countries, and 5 different oceans, things are bound to happen- maybe rough seas delay departure, maybe political turmoil delays arrivals... we must be flexible.

That said, I never thought I'd have to exercise my flexibility this early...

Today we got an email from the Institute of Shipboard Education (ISE). It said the following:

The Institute for Shipboard Education, in consultation with leading government and non-government international risk assessment agencies, has resolved to reroute the spring 2009 voyage to avoid increasingly uncertain conditions in the Gulf of Aden. Given the recent attempted attack on a passenger ship and additional incidents in the region, we have amended the voyage itinerary to avoid this area of potential risk.

The safety of all Semester at Sea participants, visitors, and crew members remains our number one priority and foremost concern.

For that reason, SAS has changed their itinerary. ITALY, TURKEY and EGYPT are out. We will be sailing to Spain, then turning south, where we will call on Casablanca, Morocco; Port Walvis, Namibia, Africa; Capetown, South Africa; and Port Louis, Maritius.

My initial reaction was one of shock and awe, and truly anger. I will miss out on seeing Jenna in Italy, seeing the Vatican and Rome, and the Great Pyramids of Egypt. I'll miss floating through the Suez Canal as well.

Still, great adventure and opportunity await us. I'll get to explore the continent of Africa, a continent I have never set foot on. I hope to go on a real African safari in the highlands, climb Table mountain in S. Africa, cage dive with Great White Sharks, live with a Moroccan family and explore Casablanca, hike and 4x4 through the monstrous dunes in Namibia, and trek across the Sahara Desert. I'll see the big-5 (lions, buffalo, rhinos, elephants, tigers) and explore a place that I NEVER would go to without SAS.

ALSO, I'll get to cross the equator! A sailor's first trip across the line is a symbolic one, and SAS marks it each instance with "Neptune day" the rite of initiation for newbies like me.

Flexibility is a virtue, and I think that this voyage will all work out better than before. When it comes to traveling, each decision always leads to something unexpected... and it's that that I'm excited for.

Meanwhile, It's T-Minus 1 month and 9 days until I board the MV Explorer!



Casablanca, Morocco


Capetown, South Africa